Thursday, September 26, 2013

West Memphis 3 Reflection

  The film West Memphis is based on three innocent teenagers accused of a murder.  Three little boys were found tied up naked and mutilated. When the bodies were found the media instantly jumped to conclusions saying it was sacrifices to the devil.  In reality they were just tied up beaten then thrown in a stream.  The media had manipulated this case making it seem horrific.  They wanted the town to be angry with the boys, since they were blinded my grief and anger they didn't dare question the evidence or their alibis assuming they were lying.  All they wanted were for them to go to prison and never leave.  When they were charged and sent to prison they felt safe again.  But not everyone agreed with what the state did.  They saw the injustice in this and reopened case.  So they created an organization called the innocent projects to help those three boys out of jail. 
  While I watched the film I became very angry.  How could the state let the court manipulate the case framing those three when it was clear that they didn't do it.  But because they were different and the people were scared they made sure to put those boys away for good.  It truly is sad to watch it happen and have it take years to finally obtain their freedom.   But that was only one case their are hundreds more just like the West Memphis 3 case.  This injustice needs to stop we need to work together so that it doesn't happen to bring justice to those who were done injustice. 

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