Friday, September 6, 2013

Miss Representation Reflection

The film Miss Representation is a document which discusses the negative  impact of the media on the role of women in our culture.  The film states that media messages affect our thoughts, attitude and actions and by doing so creates a fantasy world which our society accepts as reality.  In this day and age we are surrounded by media 24 hours a day, media has become the predominant communicator of our cultures values telling us who we can cannot be.  The media objectifies women telling them that their values lie in beauty, youth, and sexuality.  By doing so it is harder for women to be taking seriously as leaders, thus making it easier for men to stay in power.  The media also tell men that they should be violent, in control and that women must be treated as objects as well as second class citizens. The media even displays women as being manipulative and catty.
Women should be looked at as equals towards men not beneath.  Women are just as capable of doing what men can do.  Us women are put through a lot of stress we’re told to be compassionate as well as being number one out of everyone else to be the best of the best.  Our media is a destruction towards our culture.  The film states that “In 2010-midterm elections, women lost seats in the Congress for the first in 30 years.” (O’Keefe, 2010).  Not only that but women make up a little more than half the population in the United States and only 17% are actually part of the congress.  Men deem that politics is an only male thing that women should not be able to join.  They then begin to put these smart,brave women down with sexual remarks and profane comments.  It truly is disgusting and sad that men go out of their way to put these women down.  It’’s also disappointing that us women do it to each other as well as the men which only helps the mens case even more making it harder for us to do anything.  This is why we should stand up and fight against these men being cruel to us.  To finally be equal to one another.   

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