Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Gandhi and Mandela

  Gandhi and Mandela both had the same dream, to live in a country that was self-ruled.  They had wanted to change the way their people were treated and how the foreign government were oppressing them.  Both men fought for what they believed was right and the freedom for their county.  They spent their entire life fighting for this cause and promoting nonviolence to make a change.   Both men had strong political influence when they were growing up so they ended up becoming lawyers.  Both Gandhi and Mandela spent there life in prison to prove a point that no matter what you do to them, they have their dream and beliefs to keep them sane as well as strong.  Without either of these men espceially Gandhi then alot of the changes that have and are taken place probable wouldn't have happended.  Because these men changed the way people handle things and proved that violence won't solve anything and only peace will make a bigger impact than violence will.

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