Friday, September 26, 2014

Fahrenheit 9/11

  When the airplanes crashed into the Twin Towers that's when the government thought “ Now lets take the opportunity to scare the civilians to get them to trust us more than ever.” They started to recruit young men and women in poverty to join this pointless war.  They struck fear into the civilians to allow them to hate the Iraqians because of what they thought they did. They used the media to persuade others to get them join the military  to get them to control what people did and thought for so many years. The allowed them to take some of their privacy away from them to allow them to watch their every move. In a way they hurt and helped the government in this case because with this process of watching war people say and do they have caught and prevented taraists. But they kept this a secret and it upset people for what they were doing even if they were helping a little. When they wanted to go to war they kept bringing up 9/11 and how terrible it was they kept replaying it for months to keep the public scared and angry. They used advertisements to persuade young children who want to go to collage who want to help their family so they join the military to get the benefits. The government lied to them that they were fighting for a cause but as the war went on the soldiers realized that there was no point thats they were suffering for nothing losing their lives and sanity. Just so that when they went back they were left with nothing either killed themselves or ended up homeless. These young men who fought for their country end up with nothing its sad when you think about it. This war was one of our many mistakes and hopefully something this terrible doesn't happen again but then again thats just a silly dream.

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